
Stories From The Mountains

Mountains are like grandmothers. They have many stories to tell. Nestled in the Himalayan ranges of Kumaon in Uttarakhand are some wonderful people, ideas and initiatives. Given below are three simple stories from the region to give you a glimpse of the unwilted life in the mountains.
Junle fowl

Children of the mountains
In a world filled with hate, anger and aggression the children of the mountains have an interesting message to give.

A school in the mountains
Chirag is a small primary school run by an NGO of the same name. They have a very different view on what education is and how children should learn. You can volunteer or visit them at Chirag

Gifts from the mountains
Chandi Maati is a small social enterprise working with women from 4 villages in the Himalaya mountains. They make and sell wonderful gifts which help in creating a source of income for these women. You can find them here on Facebook.

Hope these films inspire you to travel to the mountains. There are some amazing stories waiting for you.

3 Chocolate Zen Movies for the Soul

Zen movies:  What can a bar of chocolate teach us about happiness? In this collection of short zen movies a humble bar of chocolate will take us on a journey of envy, expectations and the race called life.The inspiration for these 3 short zen movies comes from one of the basic tenets of Zen, which is simplicity. Simple everyday objects can teach us profound lessons about life. The next time you have chocolate, think about these zen messages!

Zen Movie #1 Rat Race

Making of Chocolate Zen Movies:

These  zen films were shot with the nuns of Themisgam nunnery in Ladakh, India. Situated in a secluded valley, the nunnery is home to a small bunch of nuns from Zanskar. Besides their buddhist teachings the young nuns also get basic education in english, hindi and math. The little nuns had never acted in front of the camera, and were initially very shy. But it was wonderful to see their dedication and energy. In the icy cold desert of Leh, their smiles were heart warming.

Cast: Dolma, Chuskit, Palkit, Rigzen, Padma, Tsondus
Special Thanks: Themisgam Nunnery and Avalokitesvara Trust for facilitating the theatre workshop with the little nuns

Zen Movie #2 Expectations

Music for Zen Movie #2 courtesy: Tashi Morup. Music Produced by Upland Plateaux

Zen Movie #3 Envy

How to use these Zen movies
: The surprising thing about these short zen movies is that different people take out different messages from each film. E.g. For many people in the corporate world, the ‘chocolate bar’ represents the annual bonus. When one sees the films with that perspective, we get a totally new meaning. We’d love to know, what your interpretation is?

What next: In case you enjoyed these movies, you might like to watch our collection of 6 more short films for the soul. We are in the process of making more of such films. To stay updated, please subscribe.



How to make a movie – Book

Just Released!

How-to-make-a-movie-bookA simple guide for making short movies. No prior experience in movie making required. This book is a step by step manual for beginners that teaches the basics of Scripting, Shooting, Producing, Directing, Editing, and Distribution of your short movies.

This ebook will be available for download on Amazon.com  for less than 5 US$. The ebook is readable on any PC, MAC, iPAD, iPhone, Blackberry or Android device using the FREE Kindle App.

Take a preview of the book by visiting our page:
How to make a movie >>

Movie making is an art that is mastered by practise. This book presents lessons in a structured format to help you learn the basics of movie making in a very short time

Answer the simple questions below, to find out whether this book is meant for you or not.

Who is this book meant for?

Do you have an idea for a movie in your head, but don’t know how to go about it? OR
Do you have a handycam/ digital camera that records movies and would like to put it to good use? OR
Do you wish to use the power of youtube and video to reach out to a large number of people? OR
Do you want to master the basics of movie making before deciding whether it’s meant for you? OR
You just want to impress members of the opposite sex with a cool hobby? OR

If you said yes to any of the above, then you are at the right place. In today’s world, it has become simple to make movies. But content made by amateurs is quite unbearable to watch (unless it has a cute cat in it). That’s because they have not mastered the basics of movie making. Most books available on movie-making are full of complex terms and theory which is difficult to understand. If you are passionate about movies and would like to master the basics of movie-making in a simple but effective way, consider investing in buying this book. It’s a skill you’ll cherish for your life.

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